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Cruelly she was giving you poison

Cruelly she was giving you poison



Cruel love.
Blood – like an ice.
Your sight is inspiring.
Lowered eyes, destroying.
My pain is arousing you so much.

I don’t believe in your sight.
I want to love and touch you,
By my tenderness.
My mind keeps telling me –
Your passionate kiss is
Making me crazy.
I want to drink you till the end!
You are giving me
Deadly poison.
You are – poison, my love is stronger.
You are – poison, I’m tightening chain harder.


Your captivity is exciting,
By the touch of hot lips.
These laces are arousing
My flesh.

You are calling me,
By your passion.
My body is rushing
For you, with such pain.
I want to own you,
So you will be
Under my power.
You are – poison, my love is stronger.
You are – poison, I’m tightening chain harder.
You are – poison for me!


Your sight – my pain.
Torturing body.
I want to kiss you
And touch,
By my tenderness.
My mind keeps telling me –
Your passionate kiss is
Making me crazy.
I want to drink you till the end!
You are giving me
Deadly poison.
You are – poison, my love is stronger.
You are – poison, I’m tightening chain harder.
You are – poison for me!

I don’t believe in your sight.
I want to love and touch you,
By my tenderness.
My mind keeps telling me –
Your passionate kiss is
Making me crazy.
I want to drink you till the end!
You are giving me
Deadly poison.
I don’t want to forget you,
I don’t want to tear apart these chains.
They keep telling me – you are poison,
But my love is stronger,
Which will warm you inside.
You are – poison, I’m tightening chain harder.
You are – poison for me!

Original version:



Based on a song of Alice Cooper – Poison –

Picture is from the Internet.

Автор слов:
© ★Зеболова Марина★
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